Dignity Network Members / Organisations membres du Réseau Dignité 

Action Against Hunger Canada
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
AGIR: Action LGBTQ with Immigrants and Refugees
Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention
Amnesty International Canada
Asian Community AIDS Services (ACAS)
Avocats sans frontières Canada
Canadian Association of LGBTQ2S+ Lawyers (CALL-ACAL)
Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health
Capital Pride / La Fierté dans la Capitale
Capital Rainbow Refuge
CGLCC – Canada’s LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce
Community Based Research Centre
Chaire de recherche sur l’homophobie
Coalition des familles LGBT+
Conseil québécois LGBT
Cuso International
Dignity Canada Dignité
Egale Canada
Égides – Alliance internationale francophone pour l’égalité et les diversités
Ensemble pour le respect de la diversité
Equality Fund
Fierté Canada Pride
Fierté Montréal
Fondation Émergence
Fondation Massimadi
Halifax Pride
HIV Legal Network
Inter Pares
Intersex Canada
It Gets Better Canada
Journalists for Human Rights
KyivPride Canada, Inc.
LGBT Purge Fund
MacEwan Centre for Sexual & Gender Diversity
Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto
Morgane Oger Foundation
OCASI-Ontario Council Of Agencies Serving Immigrants
Oxfam Canada
Parliamentary Centre
Polonia Inclusive
Pride at Work Canada
Pride Toronto
Quebec Lesbian Network
Rainbow Faith and Freedom
Rainbow Railroad
Rainbow Refugee
Rainbow Refugee Association of Nova Scotia
Reaching Out Winnipeg
Stephen Lewis Foundation
Society for Queer Momentum 
The African Centre for refugees in Ontario-Canada
The Enchanté Network – Le Réseau Enchanté
The United Church of Canada
Vancouver Pride Society
WILPF (Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom) Canada
Women Transforming Cities International Society
YMCA of Greater Toronto