Anan Bouapha
Anan Bouapha, who is referred by the HuffingtonPost as the leader of the country’s nascent LGBTI movement. In 2012, he founded Proud to Be Us Laos, the nation’s first civil society network promoting equal rights for people with sexual and gender diversity communities. As President/Founder, he was instrumental in organising the first Pride event in Laos. Anan was honored with the Asian Pink Awards (Asia LGBTI Rights Awards) in Singapore in 2014 and praised for his work in combating HIV and initiated the LGBT rights movement. His organisation “Proud to be us Laos” was ranked in the Top 9 World LGBT Change Heroes by The Guardian in 2016. In 2019, he was selected as one of the Grand Marshalls of Montreal Pride along with Steve Cruz of Star Trek and Monica Helms – The creator of Transgender Flag.
Cristina Rodriguez is a Colombian social communicator-journalist, proud trans woman, transfeminist and defender of human rights. She is currently Coordinator of the LBTI Young Women’s program of Fondo Lunaria, a counterpart of Inter Pares. Fondo Lunaria is a Colombian feminist organization that promotes and strengthens locally-designed initiatives for the political participation of youth as agents of change. The direct beneficiaries supported by Fondo Lunaria often face multiple discriminations due to their social class, gender, age, race/ethnicity (Afro-Colombian/Indigenous), sexual orientation/gender identity (lesbian, trans), and/or urban/rural origin. Cristina studied social communication-journalism at the University of Quindío. As a student, she transitioned and subsequently continued at the University of Quindío as a workshop teacher and later as a full professor, in the areas of photography, documentary production and social networks. She was the first trans professor at her university – a milestone in the institution. As a trans activist, Cristina has denounced abuses of the municipal administration and police directed against sex workers, mainly trans women, in the region of Colombia known as the Eje Cafetero.
Danilo Manzano
Danilo Manzano is Director of the Dialogo Diverso in Ecuador, which works in the promotion, protection and defense of human rights, with emphasis on LGBTI people, gender and democracy. Since the creation of the protection program “Mi Casa Fuera de Casa”, Dialogo Diverso has supported more than 15.000 LGBTIQ + refugees and migrants from Venezuela in Ecuador. Danilo is the producer of “Dialogando Ando”, a YouTube and Facebook alternative communication platform that promotes youth leaders and social issues in Latin America. Danilo Manzano started his studies in public relations, has a diploma in marketing, and is a mediator in conflict resolution (Chamber of Commerce of Quito). He is also an international lecturer and TEDx speaker who has been involved in representing LGBTIQ communities at the General Assembly of Allies of Habitat III, United Nations.
Fernando Us Alvarez is a Maya K’ichè Indigenous person, a survivor of Guatemala’s civil war, and a sexual dissident. Fernando uses the pronouns she/he. For the past four years, Fernando has been working with the Pan American Development Foundation with responsibilities for supporting LGBTI groups in the Mesoamerican region (Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras). Prior to that, Fernando worked as a popular educator with UDEFEGUA – the Unit for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders – an organization that defends the political space for human rights organizations and provides support to human rights defenders under threat. In UDEFEGUA, among other responsibilities, Fernando was the liaison with feminist and LGBTI groups in Guatemala and throughout the Central American region, helping activists and organizations develop safety and security plans so they can significantly minimize the risk of attacks. From 2010-2013, Fernando served as Project Officer with Project Counseling Service (PCS), a regional Latin American organization, partnered with DNC Member Inter Pares. At PCS, Fernando worked on the Dignity Network Canada Global Advisory Board program dealing with issues of migration or “forced uprooting”, connecting with grassroots groups throughout the “northern triangle” region and Mexico. She/he is a founding member of REDMMUTRANS – the Red Multicultural de Mujeres Trans (Multicultural Network of Trans Women), a grassroots group comprised in large part by Indigenous trans women from several rural departments of Guatemala. Fernando is also a member of REDNAS – the Red Nacional de Diversidad Sexual y VIH de Guatemala (National Network on Sexual Diversity and HIV of Guatemala).
Hetera Estimphil, a 26-year-old trans Haitian woman and activist. Hetera is a psychosocial support worker, human rights educator and gender specialist. She is currently the President of a human rights organisation specifically for the promotion of LGBTI rights called Kouraj Pou Pwoteje Dwa Moun, located in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti.
Kenita M. Placide
Kenita M. Placide is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality (ECADE). ECADE, is an independent umbrella organisation, inclusive of organisations operating in the small islands in the eastern Caribbean from the Virgin Islands to Grenada. Placide has advocated around HIV and human rights inclusive of women, youth and LGBTI issues, for over 15 years and has worn many hats to bring attention and funding to the smaller islands in the eastern part of the Caribbean. The former Executive Director of United and Strong in St Lucia, Placide led the first presentation by United and Strong to Saint Lucia’s Constitution Reform Commission in 2009 and to the Universal Periodic Review process at the United Nations in 2010. She is founder and organiser of the only Caribbean Women and Sexual Diversity Conference from 2013 to present. Placide is a member of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism of the Global Fund, the Americas Representative for the Commonwealth Equality Network, the Caribbean Advisor Emergency Response with the Freedom House Dignity for All LGBTI Assistance Program, and on the Management Committee of the Caribbean Forum for Liberation and Acceptance of Genders and Sexualities. Placide is a member of the UN Women LGBTI Informal Reference Group.
Midnight Poonkasetwattana
Based in Bangkok, Midnight has been Executive Director of APCOM since 2011. APCOM is an organization working with a network of individuals and community-based organizations across 35 countries in Asia and the Pacific. With years of experience working in multi-sectorial partnerships with governments, donors and the United Nations, Midnight particularly enjoys working with community groups and civil society organisations to build their capacity to better promote the rights of gender and sexual minorities. Midnight’s work as APCOM Executive Director has been globally recognised through various awards and honors, such as Mark King’s’s 16 HIV Advocates to Watch in 2016, “IAPAC 150” Pioneers in AIDS Response and AVAC’s Omololu Falobi Award for excellence in HIV prevention research community advocacy. Besides his work in APCOM, Midnight is a member of various advisory and steering committees, including the global IDAHOT committee and the Freedom House’s “Dignity for All”; as well as a civil society International Steering Committee member of the Robert Carr Civil Society Networks Fund. Before joining APCOM, Midnight worked for Purple Sky Network where he engaged with MSM and transgender communities in the Greater Mekong areas. He previously supported the implementation of HIV and human rights programmes in various countries throughout Asia and Eastern Europe as part of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. Midnight obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies from the University of East Anglia in 2002 and completed his Masters in Globalisation and Development in 2009 at the School of Oriental and African Studies through the University of London.
Pepe Onzeima
Pepe Onzeima is a transman, human rights activist and community leader who is currently Program Director for Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG). Onzeima has over fifteen years working experience in grassroots organizing, community led advocacy, human rights programming and management, grants writing and reporting, advocacy focusing on social justice and civil liberties at national, regional and international spaces. He is an international award-winning campaigner, educator and influencer working towards the attainment of equality and dignity for marginalized persons in Uganda and across Africa. Onzeima is an excellent communicator with the ability to listen closely, step back, analyse and work toward solving challenges. He has registered incredible accomplishments including being at the forefront of the co-founding of Uganda’s LGBTIQ movement and its sustenance; being a plaintiff in various lawsuits local and international; demanding for civil liberties more significantly being one of the petitioners in the constitutional challenge that led to the annulment of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act 2014, and being a proven leader in cross-disciplinary advocacy and state engagement on the rights of marginalised persons in Uganda. Onzeima brings a wealth of experience with regional and international bodies such as the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), the East African Court of Justice and, the Human Rights Council through the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.
Xheni Karaj
Xheni is one of the most influential LGBTI+ activists and feminists in Albania and the Western Balkan region. She is passionately involved with capacity building, lobbying and advocacy to empower the rights of the LGBTI+ community. In 2009 she founded Aleanca of which she is the Executive Director, an LGBTI+ organisation in Tirana that envisions a free, open and equal Albania embracing diversity, inclusivity and gender equality for everyone. In 2012 she was one of the organisers of the Albania’s first ever Pride Parade. Today Aleanca supports yearly up to 500 members of the LGBTI community all around the country and is still one of the main organiser of Tirana Pride. For years Xheni was the only openly lesbian woman in Albania, after having come out on national television during a heated TV-debate. Through this event she became a spokesperson for the Albanian LGBTI+ community overnight, a role that makes her constantly exposed to threats ranging from hate speech and harassment to death and rape threats, for which she has been included from 2013 on the Natalia Project. Despite this, Xheni stays committed to changing perceptions and stigmas. In 2020 she was awarded by Civil Rights Defenders as The Human Right Defender of the Year.
She is also a co-founder and Board Director of STREHA, Albania’s first residential shelter for ostracised LGBTI+ people, the first of its kind in the whole Eastern Europe which has been home of more than 200 young LGBTI+ people from Albania and Kosovo, who have been kicked out and disowned by their families.
In addition to working actively to supporting LGBTI+ people and making their voices heard, Xheni is committed to changing legislation. For many years she has advocated for the approval of new anti-discriminatory legislation and the implementation of anti-discrimination policies, the recognition of same-sex unions and the rights of same sex parents. She is currently fighting alongside a lesbian couple who are fighting to both be registered as parents of their children, which is currently not possible in Albania.
Grâce Divine Ingabire is based in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and is a bilingual (English and French) medical doctor and has a degree in project management. Feminism, Gender Equality, Economic and Social Inclusion, Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Human Rights are the subjects she is passionate about. Her interest in these subjects led her to leave her medical career and pursue work with community-based organizations. The capacity building of new LGBTQ+ organisations is her main focus. Enhancing them that they can be able to work and to apply for funds. Reading, writing, dancing, watching movies and series, going on adventures – she is always up to a challenge! -, and meeting new people are some Grâce’s hobbies. Grâce was nominated to the advisory committee by Égides, Alliance internationale francophone pour l’égalité et les diversités.
Zhanar Sekerbayeva is one of the co-founders of the Kazakhstan Feminist Initiative ‘Feminita’. She is a feminist, a powerlifter and a poet. In her works she aims at expanding the concept of gender in the general public discourse through activism by mainstreaming questions of gender identity in Academia and making Central Asia visible as a region. Zhanar graduated with Summa Cum Laude from the ‘Gumilev’ Eurasian National University in 2005, as well as from the ‘Lomonosov’ Moscow State University in 2009. In 2014 Zhanar enrolled at the European Humanities University (Lithuania) MA program in Sociology with focus on gender and culture, and finished at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, PhD program. Zhanar was nominated to the advisory committee by The Equality Fund.